Plant Profile: Banksia marginata

Family: Proteaceae

Botanical name: Banksia marginata

Common name: Silver banksia

Natural distribution: Coastal heath, forest and woodland in NSW, Vic & Tas

Forms: ‘Coastal spread’, ‘Ridgeway Spread’, ‘Mini Marg’

Banksia marginata is a highly adaptable shrub that occurs naturally from coast to inland forest. The standard form has a dense upright habit with narrow linear leaves that are a deep green with grey undersides.

Small yellow cylindrical flower spikes are produced mainly in autumn and winter and are highly attractive to nectar feeding birds.

The standard Tasmanian form of B. marginata shown here reaches 5m tall x ~2.5m wide.

Other local forms propagated by Plants of Tasmania Nursery include ‘Coastal Spread’ 1.2 x 2.5m, ‘Mini Marg’ 0.3 x 1m and ‘Ridgeway Spread’1.5 x 3m wide.

The widespread natural distribution of the silver banksia is a good indicator of it’s adaptability to different conditions, from coastal to inland. It will perform best in well drained soils however I have found the standard form and ‘Ridgeway spread’ to grow perfectly happily in our heavy clay as long as there is not prolonged waterlogging.

Along with being an excellent habitat plant for small native birds to shelter in its dense foliage and feed on its nectar rich flowers, Banksia marginata also has lovely contrasting coppery-light green new growth in a flush in spring - my favourite time of year to appreciate their reliable beauty.

These can be used to great effect as a screen or informal hedge, and the spreading forms add nice textural contrast to a mixed planting of native shrubs and grasses.

If you are in Tasmania be sure to check out the range of Banksia marginata forms in cultivation at Plants of Tasmania Nursery in Ridgeway.


Plant Profile: Correa glabra var. turnbullii


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